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Lutterworth College

Post-16 Options

Although the vast majority of our Year 11 students continue into our Sixth Form, A Level study is not the appropriate choice for everyone.  

This may be due to entry requirements or simply an interest in a vocational course which is offered elsewhere. 

Alternatively, you may be considering applying for an apprenticeship.

Visit the PS16 website to research your options if an alternative course at a college in Leicestershire or undertaking an apprenticeship appeals to you:





In early October Year 11 students will be issued with a login and password which will allow them to search the site for courses and apprenticeships.  (Tutors and Mrs Cant will have a list of student logins.)

The PS16 website also lists college open days and evenings plus taster days and any other relevant activities.

Students can search full-time courses, both vocational and academic, on the website and there is a good help & guidance section for support.

Once students have completed their applications and hit the 'send' button they will be forwarded to their mentors for them to complete a short reference before being sent on to the student's chosen college.

If you have any questions regarding PS16 please speak to Mrs. Cant - Careers Advisor

For those students considering alternative providers please find attached a list of open events for your information:-

open days 2023.pdf



Writing a Personal Statement

Writing a Personal Statement is an important part of the College application process as it gives students the chance to tell colleges about themselves and highlight their strengths and key achievements. Mrs Cant, Careers Advisor or Form tutors are happy to read through any draft statements before students submit their applications.

Click on the link below for Personal Statement examples.

Personal Statement Examples



All Year 11 students are encouraged to join us at our annual Careers & Apprenticeships Fair.

The next Fair will be held in the Sports Hall here at Lutterworth College on Tuesday 24th September 2024 from 5:30-7:30pm

We have a number of local and national employers, universities and colleges exhibiting, plus talks from the Ask Apprenticeships programme.  

This is a great opportunity for students to learn more about their options both Post 16 and also Post 18. 


We are also proud to provide bespoke Careers Handbooks to our Year 11 students.  These are used in the Autumn Term in conjunction with PSHE lessons which focus on Careers.

The handbooks are packed full of information including useful websites, Apprenticeship information, Post 16 & Post 18 options, Local Labour Market Information, as well as Personal Statement and CV & covering letter examples.

The Year 11 handbook for 2023/24 can be found below:-

year 11 careers handbooks pshe term 1 2023.pdf




A new campaign, ‘Get the Jump’ Skills for Life, has been launched by the DfE via the National Careers Service to help young people aged 14-19 understand all of their education and training choices, how they compare, where they can lead, and which one could be right for them. Find out more HERE.